Classical Roots

This page provides materials to support our classical roots course.  We work from the textbook Words and Ideas.  Just click on a chapter link to visit the corresponding materials.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Number Practice
Color Practices
Animal Friends
Useful Links

Chapter One
1.    Select chapter 1 vocabulary practice 1
2.    Select chapter 1 vocabulary practice 2

Chapter Two
1.    Greek alphabet uppercase: match the names
2.    Greek alphabet uppercase: find the matching names
3.    Greek alphabet uppercase: match with the Roman alphabet
4.    Greek alphabet uppercase: find the Roman alphabet matches
5.    Greek alphabet matching: upper case to lower case jigsaw match
6.    Greek alphabet matching: upper case to lower case concentration match
7.    Greek alphabet lowercase: match the names
8.    Greek alphabet lowercase: find the matching names
9.    Greek alphabet lowercase: match with the Roman alphabet
10.  Greek alphabet lowercase: find the Roman alphabet matches
11.  Transliteration practice 1
12.  Transliteration practice 2
13.  Noun combining forms 1
14.  Noun combining forms 2
15.  Noun combining forms 3
16.  Combining forms quiz
17.  Greek adjective and adverb jigsaw matching
18.  Greek adjective and adverb word search matching
19.  Greek verbs 1
20.  Greek verbs 2
21.  Greek verbs 3
22.  Greek verbs 4
23.  Greek prefixes 1
24.  Greek prefixes 2

Chapter Three
1.    Latin Nouns
2.    Latin Verbs
3.    Latin prefixes jigsaw matching
4.    Latin prefixes word search matching
NOTE: Due to length, some terms may appear cut off.
5.    Latin abbreviations jigsaw matching
6.    Latin abbreviations word search matching
7.    Latin phrases jigsaw matching
8.    Latin phrases word search matching
9.    Latin quotations jigsaw matching
10.  Latin quotations word search matching

Chapter Four
1.    Olympian gods matching 1
2.    Olympian gods matching 2
3.    Gods and functions matching
4.    Iconography matching 1
5.    Iconography matching 2
6.    Iconography matching 3
7.    Myth quiz
8.    Twelve Labors quiz

Latin Numbers and Roman Numerals practice
1.    Latin numbers practice
2.    Roman numerals practice
3.    Roman numeral converter

1.  Greek Colors
2.  Latin Colors

Animal Friends

Useful Links
1.    Merriam-Webster dictionary (and thesaurus) online
2. (Practice vocab and feed the hungry.)
3.    Online Etymological Dictionary

This page was last updated on May 25, 2021
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