A.P.* Multiple Choice: Fama (Rumor), Aeneid 4.173-94 
* = Abney Practice

Read the following passage about Fama (Rumor).
Then choose the correct answer for the questions that follow. 

For vocabulary help, move the cursor over the underlined words, and a definition will appear.


Extemplo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbes,
Fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum:
mobilitate viget virisque adquirit eundo,
parva metu primo, mox sese attollit in auras
ingrediturque solo et caput inter nubila condit.              5
illam Terra parens ira inritata deorum
extremam, ut perhibent, Coeo Enceladoque sororem
progenuit pedibus celerem et pernicibus alis,
monstrum horrendum, ingens, cui quot sunt corpore plumae,
tot vigiles oculi subter (mirabile dictu),                        10
tot linguae, totidem ora sonant, tot subrigit auris.
nocte volat caeli medio terraeque per umbram
stridens, nec dulci declinat lumina somno;
luce sedet custos aut summi culmine tecti
turribus aut altis, et magnas territat urbes,                  15
tam ficti pravique tenax quam nuntia veri.
haec tum multiplici populos sermone replebat
gaudens, et pariter facta atque infecta canebat:
venisse Aenean Troiano sanguine cretum,
cui se pulchra viro dignetur iungere Dido;                    20
nunc hiemem inter se luxu, quam longa, fovere
regnorum immemores turpique cupidine captos.

(Excerpts from the Aeneid, available online here: Book 4.)

1.  What is the point of malum . . . ullum in line 2?

There is no other evil.
No one wanted this evil.
It was bad that the rumor was swift.
This was the swiftest evil.

2.  The adjective parva (line 4) agrees with
Fama (line 2)
mobilitate (line 3)
viris (line 3)
metu (line 4)

3.  What do we learn of Rumor in lines 3-4?
Fear is small, but Rumor is large.
Rumor acquires men on its march.
Rumor grows as it goes.
Rumor walks alone on its golden path.

4.  What does Vergil tell us of Rumor's background

     (lines 3-4)?
She was the sister of earth.
Rumor lived at the end of the earth.
Rumor had earned the wrath of the gods by

     irritating them.
Rumor was the last offspring of the earth.

5.  Identify the form horrendum (line 9).
future passive participle
present active participle
future active participle
perfect passive participle

6.  Complete the description of Rumor (lines 9-11):

     Rumor has the same number of eyes, tongues,

     mouths, and ___.
hairs and ears
ears and feathers
golden feathers
airy feathers

7. What is the correct translation of nec . . . somno

    (line 13)?
Light never shines during sweet sleep.
Death reclines in sleep in daylight.
Rumor never closes its eyes in sweet repose.
Rumor sleeps sweetly when the sun sets.

8.  What is the point of line 18, particularly in light of

     the scansion?
Deeds speak louder than words.
Fact and fiction mingle together.
Truth will always overpower lies.
Even truth is not immune to the power of Rumor.

9.  On what word does the form venisse depend

     (line 19)?
dignetur (line 20)
canebat (line 18)
gaudens (line 18)
iungere (line 20)

10. What is the correct scansion of the first four feet of

      line 19?

11. What figure of speech occurs in line 20?
interlocking word order (synchesis)

12. What is the basic claim of lines 21-22?
Winter has come, so Aeneas should be on his way.
Dido and Aeneas have come to cherish winter for

     its luxury.
With the arrival of winter, Dido and Aeneas desired

     to forget their shame.
Dido and Aeneas spent the winter lost in shameful
