A.P.* Multiple Choice: A Plot Exposed (Caesar, De bello Gallico 1.3-4)
* = Abney Practice

Read the following passage about Orgetorix and his secret plan.
Then choose the correct answer for the questions that follow. 


itemque [Orgetorix] Dumnorigi Haeduo, fratri Diviciaci, qui eo tempore principatum in civitate obtinebat ac maxime plebi acceptus erat, ut idem conaretur persuadet eique filiam suam in matrimonium dat. Perfacile factu esse illis probat conata perficere, propterea quod ipse suae civitatis imperium               3
obtenturus esset: non esse dubium quin totius Galliae plurimum Helvetii possent; se suis copiis suoque exercitu illis regna conciliaturum confirmat.  Hac oratione adducti inter se fidem et ius iurandum dant   5
et regno occupato per tres potentissimos ac firmissimos populos totius Galliae sese potiri posse sperant.  Ea res est Helvetiis per indicium enuntiata.  Moribus suis Orgetoricem ex vinculis causam     7
dicere coegerunt; damnatum poenam sequi oportebat, ut igni cremaretur.

(Excerpts from Caesars's De bello Gallico available online here: ch. 3 and ch. 4)

1.  On which of the following does Dumnorigi depend

     (line 1)?
obtinebat (line 1)
acceptus erat (line 2)
conaretur (line 2)
persuadet (line 2)

2.  What is the correct translation of qui . . . obtinebat

     (line 1)?
who for a time had held leadership in his state
who at that time was holding leadership in his state
who by that time was holding leadership in his state
who at that time was holding the prince in his state

3.  Identify most precisely the construction ut . . .

     conaretur (line 2).
purpose clause
result clause
indirect command
characteristic clause

4.  What figure of speech occurs in Perfacile factu

     (line 3)?

5.  Which other group had Caesar categorized

     similarly to the Helvetians in totius . . . possent?

     (line 4)?
Haeduans (Aeduans)

6.  What is Orgetorix advocating according to se . . .

     confirmat (lines 4-5)?
military coups
migration to Gaul
a mutual defense pact
the arming of the Helvetians at large

7. Identify the form conciliaturum in its context (line

present active participle
future active participle
future active infinitive

8.  What figure of speech might fidem . . . iurandum

     constitute (line 5)?

9.  What is the time referrent of regno occupato in its

    context (line 6)?

hypothetical past
definite past
hypothetical future
contemporaneous present

10. What plan had these allies hatched according to

     per . . . sperant (lines 5-6)?
to defend themselves against Rome and its allies
for their peoples jointly to conquer Gaul
for each to seize control at home
to migrate together into Gaul

11. On which of the following does potiri depend (line

occupato (line 6)
sese (line 6)
posse (line 6)
sperant (line 7)

12. What do the words ex vinculis indicate (line 7)?
The Helvetians have captured Orgetorix.
The Helvetians have started their migration.
The Helvetians are on guard.
The Helvetians plan to rendezvous with their allies.

13. What is the correct translation of causam dicere

     (lines 7-8)?
to state his misfortune
to plead his case
to lead the defense
to offer testimony

14. What is the correct translation of damnatum in its

     context (line 8)?
intending to condemn
when he is condemned
him if condemned
while he is condemning

15. What figure of speech occurs in igni cremaretur

     (line 8)?