Caesar Book 4 Figures of Speech

Identify each of the underlined figures of speech from Caesar Book 4.

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
quaeque imperāsset factūrōs sēsē pollicitī sunt
Hunc illī ē nāvī ēgressum comprehenderant
magna, id quod necesse erat accidere, perturbātiō facta est
Ita mōbilitātem equitum, stabilitātem peditum in proeliīs praestant
suō sē locō continuit
et dē nāvibus dēsiliendum et in flūctibus cōnsistendum et cum hostibus erat pugnandum
fundīs, sagittīs, tormentīs hostēs prōpellī iussit
juxtaposition (antithesis)
(grammatical) synchesis (interlocking word order)
word picture