Was haben diese Leute alles an? Tell in the given order
what each of the following individuals is wearing. Follow the example and watch
out for correct punctuation. Use the table and links provided below for
Special Color Words
Base Form |
Attributive Use* |
Example as Attributive Adjective |
rosa |
rosarot |
Der rosarote Panther |
orange |
orangefarben |
eine orangefarbene Kürbislaterne |
lila |
"lila" with no ending |
die lila Farbe |
*attributive adjective = in front of the
noun |
For help identifying the articles of clothing, click here.
For help with the correct form of the indefinite article to use, click here.
For help with colors, click here.
EXAMPLE: Was trägt Natalie?
Natalie trägt ein gelbes Kleid, einen blauen und gelben Hut und (ein Paar) grüne
1. Was hat Karl alles an? NOTE: Jeans are blue, so you don't have to say it.