Perfect Tense of Strong (Irregular) Verbs

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in the blanks with the helping verb and participle of each of these strong (irregular) verbs. Add hat or ist as the default form of the helping verb. For verbs with something unusual in the present tense (stem change or separable prefix), include that information in the special column, too. You may use the special keyboard to type Umlauts or the ß.

Click on the hyperlinked verb forms in the first column if you'd like to review those verbs in the present tense, too.

Infinitiv3. Person SingularPartizip PerfektBedeutung
anziehen to put on (clothes)
aussehen to look, appear
bekommenbekommt to receive, get
essen to eat
fahren to drive, go
findenfindet to find
geben to give
gefallen to be pleasing to
gehengeht to go
gießengießt to pour, water
heißenheißt to be called
helfen to help
kommenkommt to come
laufen to run
lesen to read
mitkommen to come along
nehmen to take
reitenreitet to ride (horseback)
scheinenscheint to shine
schreibenschreibt to write
schwimmenschwimmt to swim
sehen to see
sein to be
sprechen to speak
tragen to carry; wear
trinkentrinkt to drink
tuntut to do
verlierenverliert to lose