Translation Exercise: Chapter 11

Translation Exercise

Test your knowledge of Greek by translating these items into English. I have attempted to include variations, but please be as straightforward as possible in your answers. Note that punctuation has been added for you.

o( dou=loj e)fo/neusa to\n stratiw/thn t$= maxai/r$ sou.
o( parqe/noj e)bapti/sqh sh/meron e)n t%= potam%.
w(j o( a)/nqropoj e)/fere tou\j li/qouj, e)/bleye to\n a)gro/n
o( mikro\j e)rga/thj a)spa/zetai to\n di/kaion a)po/stolon.
h(mei=j eu(reqhmen e)n qalass$.