Active to Passive Quiz 1

Think of our class discussion. One useful way to view active and passive voice is to focus on the subject more than the verb.

Basically, if the subject is active (from ago 'to do'), that is, takes action in the sentence, we show this by putting active endings on the verb.

If the subject is passive (from patior 'to suffer, endure') in the sentence, that is, doesn't do anything but rather is acted upon or affected from some other source, we show this by putting passive endings on the verb.

Shift the focus from the subject as actor to the subject as acted upon, simply by changing the endings. Use the special keyboard to insert vowels with macrons. Don't forget the period!

  1. Ego arripiō.

  2. Tū amās.

  3. Hic portābat.

  4. Nōs audiēmus.

  5. Vōs vidēbātis.

  6. Mercātōrēs servant.

  7. Lupus terret.

  8. Puellae rīdēbunt.

  9. Servus capit.

  10. Ego cōnspiciam.

  11. Tū mittis.

  12. Nōs adiuvābāmus.

  13. Vōs trādētis.

  14. Vīlicus reprehendit.

  15. Māter vocābit.

  16. Senātōrēs cōnsulent.

  17. Nūntius interpellat.

  18. Equus trahit.

  19. Tū pūrgābis.

  20. Dominus verberābat.