Twelve Labors
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4. Imposed the Twelve Labors on Heracles 5. The final labor required Heracles to retrieve the three-headed guardian of the underworld 7. The _____ Stag was sacred, so Heracles could not kill it, but he did break off its horn 9. After Heracles had slain the _____ Lion, he wore its skin as a cloak. 10. This king of Thrace possessed vicious flesh-eating mares until Heracles fed him to his horses. 13. The _____ Boar was so scary that Eurystheus hid in a jar when he saw it. 16. The _____ Bull that Heracles brought back was turned loose in Greece and also encountered Theseus. 17. This queen of the Amazons possessed a magic girdle that Heracles had to retrieve
1. This three-bodied monster guarded cattle at the end of the world 2. These daughters of Atlas guarded golden apples at the end of the world 3. This god gave Heracles a giant golden goblet to help him reach the end of the world. 5. Hera sent this monster, later known as the constellation Cancer, to help the Hydra fight Heracles 6. The _____ Birds had bronze feathers that they could shoot at you. 8. The _____ Hydra hat nine heads, of which one was immortal. 11. Sometimes also spelled with an "R" (but not here), the two-headed dog _____ helped guard Geryon's cattle. 12. She kept showing up, sometimes only in art, to help Heracles in his tasks 14. The _____ Stables had not been cleaned out in decades, but Heracles had one day to perform the task 15. _____, Heracles's nephew, is Robin to Heracles's Batman