To find a particular chapter, simply click here
on the section you wish to visit.  Chapters
correspond to the American edition of the text.                                                                          
Note: No translations of stories here; it's illegal!!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Review of Little Words in Chs. 1-6
Chapter Seven
Review Unit One and Aeneas Reading
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Present Tense Practices
Chapter Eleven
Founding of Rome
Chapter Twelve
Review  Unit Two: On the Banks of the Tiber
Chapter Thirteen
Adverb Review
Chapter Fourteen
Imperfect Tense Practices
Seven Legendary Kings (end of Ch. 14)
Chapter Fifteen
Roman Numeral Converter 
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Review  Unit Three
Chapter Eighteen
Legendary Heroes of Early Rome (end of Ch. 18)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty  (Check out the Principal Parts of Every Verb in Ecce Romani I here:             )
Perfect Tense Practices
Chapter Twenty-One
Review Unit Four
Chapter Twenty-Two
Review Adverbs Chapters Fourteen through Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Future Tense Practices
Chapter Twenty-Four
Pluperfect and Future Perfect Practices
Review Unit Five
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Review Unit Six
Review Adverbs Chapters Twenty-Three through Review Six
FINAL EXAM PRACTICE: verb tenses, noun declensions, 3rd declension genders
Other Ecce Romani I Exercises Online

Note to Mr. Abney's students: Don't spend much time on word searches.  That's not a format we'll be using in class to test.

Ecce Romani I Chapter One (back to top)
1.    vocabulary matching one NEW VERSION
2.    vocabulary spelling one NEW VERSION
3.    vocabulary matching two NEW VERSION
4.    vocabulary spelling two NEW VERSION
5.    vocabulary matching three NEW VERSION
6.    vocabulary spelling three NEW VERSION
Get Conceptual Help for Ch. 1 (by Mr. Young)
7.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
8.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
9.    Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
10.  Take a Ch. 1 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
11.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 1 vocabulary, pt. 1
12.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 1 vocabulary, pt. 2
13.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 1 vocabulary
14.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 1
15.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 1 Verbs
16.  Practice Ch. 1 Nouns   

Ecce Romani I Chapter Two (back to top)
1.    vocabulary matching one NEW VERSION
2.    vocabulary spelling one NEW VERSION
3.    vocabulary matching two NEW VERSION
4.    vocabulary spelling two NEW VERSION
Get Conceptual Help for Ch. 2 (by Mr. Young)
5.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler) 
6.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
7.    Take a Ch. 2 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
8.    Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 2 vocabulary
9.    Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 2 vocabulary
10.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 2
11.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 2 Verbs
12.  Practice Ch. 2 Nouns
13.  NEW: Check your comprehension of Latin grammar.
14.  NEW: Practice singular and plural forms.
15.  NEW: Practice translation of sentences 1.
16.  NEW: Practice translaton of sentences 2.
17.  NEW: Practice translation of sentences 3.
18.  NEW: Practice translation of sentences 4.
19.  NEW: Practice translation of sentences 5.
20.  NEW: Check your knowledge of little words.

Ecce Romani I Chapter Three (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
Find Roman clothing information online
5.    Roman clothing match
6.    Four clothing exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
Get Conceptual Help for Ch. 3 (by Mr. Young)
7.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
8.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
9.    Take a Ch. 3 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
10.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 3 vocabulary, pt. 1
11.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 1 vocabulary, pt. 2
12.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 3 vocabulary
13.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 3
14.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 3 Verbs
15.  Practice Ch. 3 Nouns
16.  NEW: Practice singular and plural forms.
17.  NEW: Composition Test 1
18.  NEW: Composition Test 2
19.  NEW: Composition Test 3
20.  BRAND-NEW: Roman Life II Culture Practice: Identify the Clothing

Ecce Romani I Chapter Four (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    nominative, accusative, ablative practice one
8.    nominative, accusative, ablative practice two
9.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
10.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
11.  Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
12.  Take a Ch. 4 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
13.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 4 vocabulary, pt. 1
14.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 4 vocabulary, pt. 2
15.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 4 vocabulary, pt. 3
16.  Take a drop down picture vocabulary quiz
17.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 4 vocabulary
18.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 4
19.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 4 Verbs
20.  Practice Ch. 4 Nouns
21.  NEW: Identify direct objects in Latin sentences you've never seen.  (leads to 24)
22.  Identify subjects and direct objects in Latin sentences sentences.  (Dr. Schons Bishop)
23.  NEW: The Adventures of Sextus: subject or direct object? (leads to 25)
24.  NEW: Reverse subjects and direct objects in Latin.  (also linked from 21)
25.  NEW: Sentence Completion: Supply or choose the direct object.  (also linked from 23)
26.  NEW: Take a nominative and accusative formation quiz.
27.  NEW: Write sentences requiring nominative and accusative.
28.  NEW: Take Mr. A's composition test:  Write a story in Latin.

Ecce Romani I Chapter Five (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    infinitive spelling one
10.  infinitive matching one
11.  Aeneas matching one
12.  Aeneas matching two
13.  Story of Aeneas cloze exercise
14.  Take a multiple choice quiz over the story of Aeneas.
15.  Four Aeneas practices in one (by Mrs. Borg)
16.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler) 
17.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
18.  Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
19.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 5 vocabulary, pt. 1
20.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 5 vocabulary, pt. 2
21.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 5 vocabulary, pt. 3
22.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 5 vocabulary
23.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 5
24.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 5 Verbs (Give my new version a trial run here.)
25.  Practice Ch. 5 Nouns
26.  NEW: Practice the complementary infinitive with this online quiz.
27.  NEW: Practice your listening comprehension skills with this audio multiple choice exercise.
28.  NEW: Practice your listening comprehension skills with this audio matching exercise.

Ecce Romani I Chapter Six (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
8.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
9.    Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
10.  Take a Ch. 6 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
11.  Take another Ch. 6 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
12.  Take a Ch. 6 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
13.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 6 vocabulary, pt. 1
14.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 6 vocabulary, pt. 2
15.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 6 vocabulary, pt. 3
16.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 6 vocabulary
17.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 6
18.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 6 Verbs
19.  Practice Ch. 6 Nouns
20.  Check your understanding of noun-adjective agreement with this cloze practice.

Review the Tricky Little Words from Chapters 1-6 (back to top)
1.    little word spelling one
2.    little word matching one
3.    little word spelling two
4.    little word matching two

Ecce Romani I Chapter Seven (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    noun-adjective agreement practice
6.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
7.    Take a Ch. 7 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
8.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
9.    Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 7 vocabulary, pt. 1
10.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 7 vocabulary, pt. 2
11.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 7 vocabulary, pt. 3
12.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 7 vocabulary
13.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 7
14.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 7 Verbs
15.  Practice Ch. 7 Nouns
16.  Practice subjects and direct objects with a listening exercise.
17.  Identify who greets whom in this listening activity.
18.  NEW: Third Declension Plurals: Nominative or Accusative?
19.  NEW: Tour a Roman Home Webquest.
20.  NEW: Identify Features of the Roman Home.

Ecce Romani I Review One: Chapters One to Seven (back to top)
1.    Practice noun endings for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declensions.
2.    Practice noun-adjective combos.
3.    Practice more noun-adjective combos.
4.    Aeneas spelling one
5.    Aeneas matching one
6.    Aeneas spelling two
7.    Aeneas matching two
8.    Aeneas spelling three
9.    Aeneas matching three
10.  Aeneas spelling four
11.  Aeneas matching four
12.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review 1 vocabulary, pt. 1
13.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review 1 vocabulary, pt. 2
14.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review 1 vocabulary, pt. 3
15.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review 1 vocabulary, pt. 4
16.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Review 1 vocabulary
17.  Mr. A's flashcards for Review 1
18.  Practice principal parts of Review 1 Verbs
Check out the forms of the irregular noun deus here.
19.  Practice Rev. 1 Nouns
Review all vocabulary in chapters one through seven.  Practice ten items at a time.
20.  Jigsaw Style Matching
21.  Wordweb Spelling (watch out! no capital letters used!)
22.  Speedword Spelling Challenge (now with three playing speeds!)
23.  At last, find the Latin-English Matches

Ecce Romani I Chapter Eight (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    verb conjugation practice
6.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
7.    Take a Ch. 8 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
8.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
9.    Try Mr. A's picture matching exercise for selected Ch. 8 vocabulary
10.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 8
11.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 8 Verbs
12.  Practice present tense forms recognition 1.
13.  Practice present tense forms recognition 2. (more present practices after Ch. 10.)
14.  Practice Ch. 8 Nouns

Ecce Romani I Chapter Nine (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    mythology matching one: Olympian gods
10.  mythology matching two: gods & functions
11.  Try Mr. A's divine picture flashcards.
12.  NEW: Now practice the iconography of the gods.
13.  NEW: Practice more divine iconography.
14.  NEW: Practice even more iconography.
15.  Practice mythology with Mrs. Kessler
16.  NEW: Take a myth quiz.
17.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
18.  Take a Ch. 9 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
19.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
20.  Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
21.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 9 vocabulary, pt. 1
22.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 9 vocabulary, pt. 2
23.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 9 vocabulary
24.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 9
25.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 9 Verbs
26.  Practice Ch. 9 Nouns
27.  NEW: Go beyond the basics with a Mythquest.
28.  NEW: Reading Comprehension: In the Temple
29.  NEW: Reading Comprehension: Minerva and Arachne

Ecce Romani I Chapter Ten (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    Create singular and plural commands 1
8.    Create singular and plural commands 2
9.    Take a quiz over negative imperatives
10.  Take a quiz over positive and negative imperatives
11.  Take a quiz over singular and plural imperatives
12.  Practice classroom expressions with classroom matching 1
13.  Practice classroom expressions with classroom matching 2
14.  Practice classroom expressions with classroom matching 3
15.  Practice classroom expressions with classroom matching 4
16.  Students and teachers, print off a handy "cheat" sheet of classroom phrases here.
Find additional information on classroom Latin here.
17.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
18.  Take a Ch. 10 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
19.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
20.  Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
21.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 10 vocabulary, pt. 1
22.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 10 vocabulary, pt. 2
23.  Try Mr. A's picture flashcards for select vocabulary in Ch. 10
24.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 10
25.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 10 Verbs
26.  Practice Ch. 10 Nouns

Practice the Present Tense (Chapters 8-10; back to top)
(Instructors, please take note: in order to offer the drag and drop exercises, the technical rules of grammar are occasionally ignored.)
Physically create the present tense with these drag and drop exercises.
1.    Form present tense: drag and drop 1.
2.    Form present tense: drag and drop 2.
3.    Form present tense: drag and drop 3.
4.    Form present tense: drag and drop 4.
5.    Form present tense: drag and drop 5.
6.    Form present tense: drag and drop 6.
7.    Form present tense: drag and drop 7.
8.    Form present tense: drag and drop 8.
9.    Form present tense: drag and drop 9.
10.  Form present tense: drag and drop 10.
11.  Form present tense: drag and drop 11.
12.  Form present tense: drag and drop 12.
13.  Form present tense: drag and drop 13.
14.  Form present tense: drag and drop 14.
15.  Practice present tense formation for all conjugations.
16.  Take a present tense formation quiz with this PowerPoint presentation.

Ecce Romani I Chapter Eleven (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler) 
8.    Take a Ch. 11 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
9.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
10.  Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
11.  And four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
12.  Take a Ch. 11 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
13.  Take another Ch. 11 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
14.  Practice the 1st, 2nd masculine, 3rd declension nouns
15.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 11 vocabulary, pt. 1
16.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 11 vocabulary, pt.  2
17.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 11 vocabulary, pt.  3
18.  Try Mr. A's picture flashcards for selected Ch. 11 vocabulary
19.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 11
20.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 11 Verbs
21.  Practice Ch. 11 Nouns
22.  Practice family nouns

Ecce Romani I "Founding of Rome" (end of Chapter Eleven; back to top)
1.    matching one
2.    matching two

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twelve (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
8.    Take a Ch. 12 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
9.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
10.  Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
11.  Take a Ch. 12 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
12.  Match the vocabulary with the appropriate story picture.
13.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 12 vocabulary, pt. 1
14.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 12 vocabulary, pt. 2
15.  Try Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 12 vocabulary
16.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 12
17.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 12 Verbs
18.  Practice Ch. 12 Nouns

Ecce Romani I Review Two: Chapters Eight toTwelve (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Two vocabulary, pt. 1
8.    Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Two vocabulary, pt. 2
9.    Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Review Two vocabulary
Check out the family tree of Romulus and Remus.
10.  Guided Latin composition activity: Romulus and Remus
11.  Practice principal parts of Review Two Verbs
12.  Practice Review Two Nouns
Review all vocabulary in chapters eight through twelve.  Practice ten items at a time.
13.  Jigsaw Style Matching
14.  Speedword Spelling Challenge (now with three playing speeds!)
15.  Wordweb Spelling (watch out! no capital letters used!)
16.  At last, find the Latin-English Matches

Ecce Romani I Chapter Thirteen (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
10.  NEW: Ablative identication practice
11.  Take a Ch. 13 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler).
12.  Three vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
13.  Three vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
14.  Take a Ch. 13 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
15.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 13 vocabulary, pt. 1
16.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 13 vocabulary, pt. 2
17.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 13 vocabulary, pt. 3
18.  Try Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 13 vocabulary
19.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 13
20.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 13 Verbs (pratice imperfect here)
21.  Practice Ch. 13 Nouns

Adverb Review--Check out these sometimes difficult words. (back to top)
1.    adverb spelling one
2.    adverb matching one
3.    adverb spelling two
4.    adverb matching two
5.    adverb spelling three
6.    adverb matching three
7.    Four adverb practices in one (by Mrs. Borg)

Ecce Romani I Chapter Fourteen (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
8.    Take a Ch. 14 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
9.    Three vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
10.  Three more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
11.  Take a Ch. 14 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
12.  Try Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 14 vocabulary
13.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 14
14.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 14 Verbs
15.  Practice Ch. 14 Nouns

Practice the Imperfect (Chapters 13-14; back to top)
Get conceptual help here: vowels used in present and imperfect.
(Instructors, take note: in the interest of ease of learning, the vowel table and the drag and drop exercises that follow ignore the technical grammar rules at work.)
Physically create imperfect forms with these new drag and drop exercises.
1.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 1.
2.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 2.
3.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 3.
4.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 4.
5.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 5.
6.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 6.
7.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 7.
8.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 8.
9.    Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 9.
10.  Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 10.
11.  Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 11.
12.  Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 12.
13.  Form three imperfect forms: drag and drop 13.
Now put it together here.
14. Conjugate a verb from each conjugation in imperfect.
Work with irregular verbs sum and possum.
15.  sum & possum imperfect matching
16.  sum & possum imperfect spelling 
17.  Practice conjugating sum in imperfect.             
18.  possum forms (present and imperfect) matching
19.  possum forms (present and imperfect) spelling

Ecce Romani I "Seven Legendary Kings of Rome" (end of Ch. 14; back to top)
1.    Multiple Choice Practice 1      
2.    Multiple Choice Practice 2

Ecce Romani I Chapter Fifteen (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
Find the forms of the irregular noun bôs here.
7.    2nd declension neuter spelling one
8.    2nd declension neuter matching one
9.    3rd declension neuter spelling one
10.  3rd declension neuter matching one
11.  Four neuter noun practices in one (by Mrs. Borg)
12.  number spelling one (1-10)
13.  number matching one (1-10)
14.  number spelling two (11-20)
15.  number matching two (11-20)
16.  number spelling three (tens)
17.  number matching three (tens)
18.  number spelling four (hundreds)
19.  number matching four (hundreds)
20.  number spelling (1, 2, 3)
21.  number matching (1, 2, 3)
22.  number spelling (mostly 2's)
23.  number matching (mostly 2's)
24.  numbers 1-20 practice (by Mrs. Kessler)
25.  numbers 10-1000 practice (by Mrs. Kessler)
26.  Four number practices in one (by Mrs. Borg)
27.  Three Roman numeral practices in one (by Mrs. Borg)
28.  Three additional Latin & Roman numeral practices in one (by Mrs. Borg)
29.  Practice all the forms of 1, 2, 3, and 1,000 in Latin
30.  Four additional vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
31.  Take a Ch. 15 practice quiz (by Mrs. Kessler)
32.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
33.  Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
34.  Take a Ch. 15 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
35.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 15 vocabulary, pt. 1
36.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 15 vocabulary, pt. 2
37.  Try Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 15 vocabulary
38.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 15
39.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 15 Verbs
40.  Principal parts of Ch. 15 Nouns

Roman Numeral Converter (back to top)

Ecce Romani I Chapter Sixteen Exercises (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
10.  Three vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
11.  Three vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Borg)
12.  Take a Ch. 16 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
13.  Noun-Adjective completion table 1
14.  Noun-Adjective completion table 2
15.  Practice noun-adjective agreement again: multiple choice 1.
16.  Practice noun-adjective agreement again: multiple choice 2.
17.  Practice noun-adjective agreement again: multiple choice 3.
18.  Take Mr. A's noun-adjective quiz 1.
19.  Take Mr. A's noun-adjective quiz 2.
20.  Take Mr. A's noun-adjective quiz 3.
21.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 16 vocabulary
22.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch 16 vocabulary
23.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 16
24.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 16 Verbs
25.  Principal parts of Ch. 16 Nouns

Ecce Romani I Chapter Seventeen Exercises (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    irregular verb spelling one
6.    irregular verb matching one
7.    irregular verb spelling two
8.    irregular verb matching two
9.    irregular verb spelling three
10.  irregular verb matching three
11.  irregular verb spelling four
12.  irregular verb matching four
13.  Practice conjugating the irregular verbs in present and imperfect tenses.
14.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
15.  Take a Ch. 17 practice quiz (by Mrs. Borg)
16.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 17 vocabulary, pt. 1
17.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 17 vocabulary, pt. 2
18.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for all the chapter vocabulary
19.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 17
20.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 17 Verbs
21.  Principal parts of Ch. 17 Nouns

Ecce Romani I Review Three: Chapters Thirteen to Seventeen (back to top)
1.    Review singular noun-adjective agreement only : the "eleventh" quiz.
2.    Review noun-adjective agreement: quiz 5.  (for more help, click here.)
3.    Review noun-adjective agreement: quiz 6.
4.    Review imperfect formation: quiz with principal parts given.  (more help here.)
5.    Review imperfect formation: same quiz as in #4 without the principal parts.
6.    Review imperfect formation: quiz with principal parts.
7.    Review imperfect formation: same quiz as in #6 without the principal parts.
8.    Review imperfect formation: quiz with principal parts.
9.    Review imperfect formation: same quiz as in #8 without the principal parts.
10.  Review formation of irregular verbs: quiz 1.  (more help?  click here and here.)
11.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Three vocabulary, pt. 1
12.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Three vocabulary, pt. 2
13.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Three vocabulary, pt. 3
14.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Review Three vocabulary
15.  Mr. A's flashcards for Review Three
Review all vocabulary in chapters thirteen through seventeen.  Practice ten items at a time.
16.  Jigsaw Style Matching
17.  Wordweb Spelling (watch out! no capital letters used!)
18.  Speedword Spelling Challenge (now with three playing speeds!)
19.  At last, find the Latin-English Matches

Ecce Romani I Chapter Eighteen Exercises (back to top)
(Note: Exercises from the next two chapters may include perfect tense forms you haven't studied.  Consult your teacher for further information.)
1.    vocabulary matching one NEW VERSION
2.    vocabulary spelling one NEW VERSION
3.    vocabulary matching two NEW VERSION
4.    vocabulary spelling two NEW VERSION
5.    vocabulary matching three NEW VERSION
6.    vocabulary spelling three NEW VERSION
7.    vocabulary matching four NEW VERSION
8.    vocabulary spelling four NEW VERSION
9.    vocabulary matching five NEW VERSION
10.  vocabulary spelling five NEW VERSION
11.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
12.  Practice all the third declension adjectives: complete the table.
13.  Complete the noun-adjective chart 1.
14.  Complete the noun-adjective chart 2.
15.  Take Mr. A's third declension adjective quiz 1.
16.  Take Mr. A's third declension adjective quiz 2.  
17.  Are you up to the challenge?  Take Mr. A's all adjective types quiz if you dare.
18.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 18 vocabulary, pt. 1
19.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 18 vocabulary, pt. 2
20.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 18 vocabulary, pt. 3
21.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 18 vocabulary
22.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 18
23.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 18 Verbs
24.  Principal parts of Ch. 18 Nouns

Ecce Romani I "Legendary Heroes of Early Rome" (end of Ch. 18; back to top)
Good online information about Roman heroes
Reliable information from an archived Italian site (names in Italian, but recognizable)
1.    matching exercise

Ecce Romani I Chapter Nineteen Exercises (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    sentence fill-ins one
10.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
11.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 19 vocabulary
12.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 19 vocabulary
11.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 19
12.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 19 Verbs
13.  Principal parts of Ch. 19 Nouns

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twenty (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
10.  Take a practice quiz over Chs. 19-20 (by Mrs. Kessler)
11.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 20 vocabulary
11.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 20 vocabulary
12.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 20
13.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 20 Verbs
14.  Principal parts of Ch. 20 Nouns

Perfect Tense Practice (back to top)
        Principal parts of every verb in the book online below.  Click here.
Common indicators of perfect tense: print it off as a handy reference.
        Practice principal parts and perfect tense online.  You may ignore macrons if you wish.
1.    Practice principal parts of irregular 1st conj. verbs  BLUE QUIZ            
2.    adiuvo
3.    do ("give," introduced in Ch. 21)
4.    lacrimo (sample 1st conj. verb)
5.    lavo
6.    sto 
7.     veto ("forbid," introduced in Ch. 26)
8.    voco (sample 1st conj. verb)
9.    Take a practice "Blue Quiz."
1.    Practice principal parts for ORANGE QUIZ
2.    sum
3.    fero
4.    volo
5.    dico
6.    mitto
7.     habeo
8.    facio
9.    Take a practice "Orange Quiz."
1.    Practice principal parts for GREEN QUIZ
2.    nolo
3.    eo
4.    duco
5.    audio
6.    iacio
7.    fugio
8.     iubeo
9.    Take a practice "Green Quiz."
1.    Practice principal parts for PURPLE QUIZ
2.    dormio
3.    peto
4.    pono
5.    possum
6.    venio
7.    video
8.    Take a practice "Purple Quiz."
1.    Practice principal parts for RED QUIZ
2.    conspicio
3.    curro
4.    doceo
5.    relinquo
6.    respondeo
7.    traho
9.    Take a practice "Red Quiz."

Now quiz yourself on perfect tense formation.
1.    Present to perfect quiz 1
2.    Present to perfect quiz 2
3.    Present to perfect quiz 3
4.    Present to perfect quiz 4: irregular verbs
5.    Imperfect to perfect quiz 1
6.    Translate into Latin perfect tense according to the cues: quiz 1 with the principal parts.
7.    Same as quiz in #6 but without the principal parts.
8.    Translate into Latin perfect tense according to the cues: quiz 2 with the principal parts.
9.    Same as quiz in #8 but without the principal parts.

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twenty-One (back to top
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  vocabulary spelling six
12.  vocabulary matching six
13.  vocabulary spelling seven
14.  vocabulary matching seven
15.  vocabuary spelling eight
16.  vocabulary matching eight
17.  vocabulary spelling nine              
18.  vocabulary matching nine
19.  vocabulary spelling ten
20.  vocabulary matching ten
21.  vocabulary spelling eleven
22.  vocabulary matching eleven
23.  vocabulary spelling twelve
24.  vocabulary matching twelve
25.  vocabulary spelling thirteen
26.  vocabulary matching thirteen
27.  vocabulary spelling fourteen
28.  vocabulary matching fourteen
29.  vocabulary spelling fífteen
30.  vocabulary matching fifteen
31.  vocabulary spelling sixteen
32.  vocabulary matching sixteen
33.  vocabulary spelling seventeen
34.  vocabulary matching seventeen
35.  vocabulary spelling eighteen
36.  vocabulary matching eighteen
37.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
38.  Four more vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
39.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 21 vocabulary, pt. 1
40.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 21 vocabulary, pt. 2
41.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 21 vocabulary, pt. 3
42.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 21 vocabulary, pt. 4
43.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 21 vocabulary (opening reading)
44.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 21 (opening reading)
45.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 21e vocabulary, pt. 1
46.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 21e vocabulary, pt. 2
47.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 21e vocabulary (Sextus Can't Sleep)
48.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 21e (Sextus Can't Sleep)
49.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 21g vocabulary, pt. 1
50.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 21g vocabulary, pt. 2
51.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 21g vocabulary (Early the Next Morning)
52.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 21g (Early the Next Morning)
53.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 21 Verbs (opening reading: Quick Version--no macrons!)
54.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 21e Verbs (Sextus Can't Sleep)
55.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 21g Verbs (Early the Next Morning)
56.  NEW: Principal parts of Ch. 21 Nouns (opening reading)
57.  NEW: Principal parts of Ch. 21e Nouns (Sextus Can't Sleep)
58.  NEW:Principal parts of Ch. 21g Nouns (Early the Next Morning)

Ecce Romani I Review Four: Chapters Eighteen to Twenty-One (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  vocabulary spelling six
12.  vocabulary matching six
13.  vocabulary spelling seven
14.  vocabulary matching seven
15.  vocabulary spelling eight
16.  vocabulary matching eight
17.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Review Four vocabulary
18.  Mr. A's flashcards for Review Four
19.  Practice principal parts of Review Four Verbs
20.  NEW: Principal parts of Review Four Nouns
Review all vocabulary in chapters eighteen through twenty-one.  Practice ten items at a time.
21.  Jigsaw Style Matching
22.  Wordweb Spelling (watch out! no capital letters used!)
23.  Speedword Spelling Challenge (now with three playing speeds!)
24.  At last, find the Latin-English Matches

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twenty-Two (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  vocabulary spelling six
12.  vocabulary matching six
13.  vocabulary spelling seven
14.  vocabulary matching seven 
15.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 22 vocabulary, pt. 1
16.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 22 vocabulary, pt. 2
17.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 22 vocabulary
18.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 22
19.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 22 Verbs
20.  NEW: Principal parts of Ch. 22 Nouns

Review Adverbs from Chapters 14-22 (back to top)
1.    NEW: Jigsaw Matching
2.    NEW: Wordweb Spelling
3.    NEW: Speedword Spelling Challenge (with three playing speeds)
4.    NEW: Find the Latin-English Matches

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twenty-Three (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  vocabulary spelling six
12.  vocabulary matching six
13.  vocabulary spelling seven
14.  vocabulary matching seven
15.  vocabulary spelling eight
16.  vocabulary matching eight
17.  vocabulary spelling nine
18.  vocabulary matching nine
19.  vocabulary spelling ten
20.  vocabulary matching ten
Check out the table for formation of future active
21.  Practice future tense of sample 1st/2nd conjugation verb stô
22.  Practice future tense of sample 3rd/4th conjugation verb currô
23.  Practice future tense for all conjugations
24.  Practice future tense of the main irregular verbs.
25.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 23 vocabulary, pt. 1
26.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 23 vocabulary, pt. 2
27.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 23 vocabulary
28.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 23
29.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 23f vocabulary, pt. 1
30.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 23f vocabulary, pt. 2
31.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 23f vocabulary
32.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 23f
33.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 23 Verbs
34.  Principal parts of Ch. 23 Nouns
35.  NEW: Do a mini-webquest on Roman aqueducts.

Practice Future Tense (chapter 23; back to top)
Get conceptual help for the future tense of every kind of verb (will open in new window).
1.    Form four future tense verbs: drag and drop 1.
2.    Form four future tense verbs: drag and drop 2.
3.    Form four future tense verbs: drag and drop 3.
4.    Form four future tense verbs: drag and drop 4.
5.    Form four future tense verbs: drag and drop 5.
6.    Form four future tense verbs: drag and drop 6.
7.    Present or Future: Contrast 2nd and 3rd conjugations.
8.    Choose the correct translation.
9.    Take a future tense formation quiz (easier version).
10.  Take the same quiz as in #9 but without the principal parts.

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twenty-Four (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
12.  Practice pluperfect tense for all conjugations
13.  Practice future perfect tense for all conjugations
14.  Choose the correct translation: pluperfect or future perfect?
15.  Take a tense formation quiz for pluperfect and future perfect (easier version).
16.  Take the same quiz as in #15 but without the principal parts.
17.  Try your ability with all tenses: Verb Synopsis 1
18.  Try your ability with all tenses: Verb Synopsis 2
19.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 24 vocabulary, pt. 1
20.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 24 vocabulary, pt. 2
21.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 24 vocabulary
22.  Mr. A's flashcards Ch. 24 
23.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 24 Verbs
24.  NEW: Principal parts of Ch. 24 Nouns

NEW: Additional Pluperfect and Future Perfect Tense Practices (back to top)
1.    Form pluperfect tense verbs: drag and drop 1
2.    Form pluperfect tense verbs: drag and drop 2
3.    Form pluperfect tense verbs: drag and drop 3
4.    Form pluperfect tense verbs: drag and drop 4
5.    Form pluperfect tense verbs: drag and drop 5
6.    Form future perfect tense verbs: drag and drop 1
7.    Form future perfect tense verbs: drag and drop 2
8.    Form future perfect tense verbs: drag and drop 3
9.    Form future perfect tense verbs: drag and drop 4
10.  Form future perfect tense verbs: drag and drop 5

Ecce Romani I Review Five: Chapters Twenty-Two to Twenty-Four (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  vocabulary spelling six
12.  vocabulary matching six
13.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
14.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Five vocabulary, pt. 1
15.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Five vocabulary, pt.  2
16.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Five vocabulary, pt. 3
17.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Review Five vocabulary
18.  Mr. A's flashcards for Review Five
19.  Practice principal parts of Review Five Verbs
20.  Principal parts of Review Five Nouns
Review all vocabulary in chapters twenty-two through twenty-four.  Practice ten items at a time.
21.  Jigsaw Style Matching
22.  Wordweb Spelling (watch out! no capital letters used!)
23.  Speedword Spelling Challenge (now with three playing speeds!)
24.  At last, find the Latin-English Matches

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twenty-Five (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  vocabulary spelling six
12.  vocabulary matching six
13.  vocabulary spelling seven
14.  vocabulary matching seven
15.  vocabulary spelling eight
16.  vocabulary matching eight
17.  vocabulary spelling nine
18.  vocabulary matching nine
19.  vocabulary spelling ten
20.  vocabulary matching ten
21.  vocabulary spelling eleven
22.  vocabulary matching eleven
23.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
24.  Practice 4th declension nouns impetus (attack) and manus.
25.  Practice 5th declension endings diês and rês.
26.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 25 vocabulary, part 1
27.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 25 vocabulary, part 2
28.  Try Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 25 vocabulary
29.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 25
30.  Mr. A's picture matching for some 4th declension nouns
31.  Mr. A's picture matching for remaining 4th and 5th declension nouns
32.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for all 4th and 5th declension nouns
33.  Mr. A's flashcards for 4th and 5th declension nouns
34.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 25 Verbs
35.  NEW: Principal parts of Ch. 25 Nouns
36.  NEW: Principal parts of 4th and 5th declension nouns

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twenty-Six (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  vocabulary spelling six
12.  vocabulary matching six
13.  vocabulary spelling seven
14.  vocabulary matching seven
15.  vocabulary spelling eight
16.  vocabulary matching eight
17.  vocabulary spelling nine
18.  vocabulary matching nine
19.  vocabulary spelling ten
20.  vocabulary matching ten
21.  Practice the forms of the demonstrative hic.
22.  Practice the forms of the demonstrative ille.
Here are helpful rules to identify the correct noun case
23.  Choose the correct form of hic/ille multiple choice.
24.  Choose the correct form of hic/ille multiple choice 2
25.  Take a demonstrative quiz: quiz 1
26.  Take a demonstrative quiz: quiz 2
27.  Take a demonstrative quiz: quiz 3 (See also Chapter 27, #13.)
28.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
29.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 26 vocabulary, part 1 (introductory reading)
30.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 26 vocabulary, part 2
31.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch. 26 vocabulary 
32.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 26
33.  Mr. A's picture matching for select 26e vocabulary (Aurelia's concern for Sextus)
34.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select 26e vocabulary 
35.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 26e
36.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 26 Verbs
37.  NEW: Principal parts of Ch. 26 Nouns
38.  NEW: Principal parts of Ch. 26e Nouns

Ecce Romani I Chapter Twenty-Seven (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  Four vocabulary exercises in one (by Mrs. Kessler)
12.  Practice forms of the personal pronoun/demonstrative is, ea, id here.
13.  Take another  demonstrative quiz.
14.  Practice just is, ea, id in this quiz.
15.  Practice is, ea, id with this PowerPoint presentation.  (Left click to advance the show.)
16.  Take a pronoun and possessive quiz.
17.  Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 27 vocabulary, part 1
18.  Mr. A's picture matching for select Ch. 27 vocabulary, part 2
19.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Ch 27 vocabulary
20.  Mr. A's flashcards for Ch. 27
21.  Practice principal parts of Ch. 27 Verbs
22.  NEW: Principal parts of Ch. 27 Nouns

Ecce Romani I Review Six: Chapters Twenty-Five to Twenty-Seven (back to top)
1.    vocabulary spelling one
2.    vocabulary matching one
3.    vocabulary spelling two
4.    vocabulary matching two
5.    vocabulary spelling three
6.    vocabulary matching three
7.    vocabulary spelling four
8.    vocabulary matching four
9.    vocabulary spelling five
10.  vocabulary matching five
11.  vocabulary spelling six
12.  vocabulary matching six
13.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Six vocabulary, pt. 1
14.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Six vocabulary, pt. 2
15.  Try Mr. A's picture matching for select Review Six vocabulary, pt. 3
16.  Mr. A's picture flashcards for select Review Six vocabulary
13.  Mr. A's flashcards for Review Six
14.  Practice principal parts of Review Six Verbs
15.  Principal parts of Review Six Nouns
Review all vocabulary in chapters twenty-five through twenty-seven.  Practice ten items at a time.
16.  Jigsaw Style Matching
17.  Wordweb Spelling (watch out! no capital letters used!)
18.  Speedword Spelling Challenge (now with three playing speeds!)
19.  At last, find the Latin-English Matches

Review Adverbs from Chs. 23 through Review Six (back to top)
1.    NEW: Jigsaw Matching
2.    NEW: Wordweb Spelling
3.    NEW: Speedwod Spelling (with three playing speeds)
4.    NEW: Find the Latin-English Matches

1.    Practice present tense for all four conjugations.
2.    Practice future tense for all four conjugations.
3.    Practice imperfect tense for all four conjugations.
4.    Practice perfect tense for all four conjugations.
5.    Practice pluperfect tense for all four conjugations.
6.    Practice future perfect tense for all four conjugations.
7.    Take Mr. A's Verb Tense Quiz.
8.    Check principal parts for 32 of the most common verbs in the Aeneid.
Check basic noun endings here: my Noun Page.
9.    Practice the 1st declension noun puella.
10.  Practice the 2nd declension masculine nouns hortus.
11.  Practice the 2nd declension neuter noun baculum.
12.  Practice the 3rd declension nouns aestās.
13.  Practice the 3rd declension neuter noun corpus.
14.  Check genders of random 3rd declension nouns 1.
15.  Check genders of random 3rd declension nouns 2.
16.  Check genders of random 3rd declension nouns 3.
17.  Practice the 4th declension nouns arcus.
18.  Practice the 4th declension neuter nouns cornū (horn).
19.  Practice the 5th declension nouns diēs and rēs.
20.  Test your knowledge of basic noun grammar.
NEW: Practice ALL VOCABULARY from the book, ten items at at time!  May take a second to load.
21.  Jigsaw Style Matching
22.  Wordweb Spelling (watch out! no capital letters used!)
23.  Speedword Spelling Challenges (now with three playing speeds!)
24.  At last, find the Latin-English Matches

Here are other reliable links not by Mr. A.
Collection of Links from Professor Lawall at the University of Massachusetts
(Professor Lawall edited the current version of the Ecce Romani series.)
Collection of Links from E. L. Easton Language Teaching and Learning Materials
(All aspects of Latin represented + other languages too numerous to mention.)

Links Specifically for Ecce Romani I
Great exercises from teachers whose work appears throughout this site:
Thorough Ecce Romani I Quia exercises and practice quizzes by Mrs. Pat Kessler
More Ecce Romani I Quia exercises (chs. 1-12) by Ms. Sameth
Additional Ecce Romani I Quia exercises (chs. 1-17) by Mrs. Borg
Additional Ecce Romani I Quia exercises (chs. 18-26) by Mrs. Borg
Excellent materials from Kentucky Educational Television by Joan Jahnige
Check out the new Prentice Hall Ecce Romani I practices.
Quiz activities chapters 1-47 by Magistra N. R. Granducci
Other Ecce Romani I links

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Back to Main Latin Page
Some illustrations on this site courtesy of Prentice Hall
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Future Active Tense Formation
1st and 2nd Conjugations 3rd and 4th Conjugations
-bō -bimus -am -ēmus
-bis -bitis -ēs -ētis
-bit -bunt -et -ent
Future Tense of sum
erō erimus
eris eritis
erit erunt
Comparison of Vowels in Present and Imperfect by Declension
Note to visitors: Technically, imperfect tense in Latin has only two vowels, -a- and -e-. The -i- in 3rd -io and 4th conjugation verbs is actually a part of the stem. However, to make memorizing the rules easier, I have grouped the imperfect vowels as follows. Consult your instructor for his/her preferences.
Conj. Present Imperfect
1st -a- (1st sing.: -o) -a-
2nd -e- -e-
3rd one -o, 4 i's, and one -u- ("oh, four eyes, you")
3rd -io -i- (3rd pl.: -iunt) -ie-
4th -i- (3rd pl.: -iunt)
Back to top.  Back to Imperfect Section.
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This page was last updated on September 5, 2024

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